
Checkbook is supported 100% by members. We accept no advertising, referral fees, or kickbacks from businesses rated. Your gift will help us with our ongoing undercover price research on local services and our efforts to shine light on deceptive business practices in the marketplace.
Yes, Center for the Study of Services, the nonprofit that publishes Consumers' Checkbook, is a 501(c)3 organization (EIN 52-1000466) and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. A receipt will be emailed to you, and it's also available at under My Account and My Donations.
You can mail your contribution to the address below. Make sure to include your name and mailing address with your payment so that we may send you a receipt:
Consumers' Checkbook - Subscriber Services
1625 K Street NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
You can update your payment method, change your monthly amount, or cancel your monthly donation at under My Account and My Donations.
Publicly traded stock can be donated to Consumers' Checkbook. Please provide the following information to your financial institution to initiate the transfer.

Brokerage: Charles Schwab
DTC number: 0164
Account Number: 8548-1430

Once we receive the transfer of stock we will transmit a tax-deductible receipt. Consumers' Checkbook is published by Center for the Study of Services, EIN/Tax ID Number: 52-1000466

For those 70½ and older, IRA charitable rollovers, up to a maximum of $100,000, qualify as tax free IRA distributions and your gift can be used to satisfy required minimum distributions after you turn 72.

Contact your retirement provider to initiate a distribution. Gifts should be made to Center for the Study of Services (EIN/Tax ID Number: 52-1000466) and mailed to our headquarters office:

Consumers' Checkbook Headquarters
1625 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006

Consumers' Checkbook is published by Center for the Study of Services, EIN/Tax ID Number: 52-1000466

You can call us at 888-596-0729 or email us at
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