Brokerage: Charles Schwab DTC number: 0164 Account Number: 8548-1430
Once we receive the transfer of stock we will transmit a tax-deductible receipt. Consumers' Checkbook is published by Center for the Study of Services, EIN/Tax ID Number: 52-1000466
For those 70½ and older, IRA charitable rollovers, up to a maximum of $100,000, qualify as tax free IRA distributions and your gift can be used to satisfy required minimum distributions after you turn 72.
Contact your retirement provider to initiate a distribution. Gifts should be made to Center for the Study of Services (EIN/Tax ID Number: 52-1000466) and mailed to our headquarters office:
Consumers' Checkbook Headquarters 1625 K Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006
Consumers' Checkbook is published by Center for the Study of Services, EIN/Tax ID Number: 52-1000466
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